How to keep Potential Investors Updated (with Template)

By Ash Rust - Founder turned Investor. Looking for Idea/Pre-seed, B2B Startups based in

Hi [Investor Name],

I hope all is well with you and family. [Personalized message]. Despite the pandemic, Acmecorp has seen some incredible growth in 2020:

  1. Over the last 6 months we’ve averaged 36% monthly growth and we’re approaching $300k ARR.
  2. We now have 12 customers with a strong pipeline for Q2 2021 (up from 6 last quarter). Here’s a recent case study from [Customer X] on how Acmecorp is changing their business [link to pdf/blog post].
  3. Last week our second engineer joined, to focus on customer data integrations, bringing the team to 5 full-time. [Engineer Name, link to LinkedIn] joins us from [Megacorp] and has years of experience in the field.
  4. Our existing investors have asked to increase their allocations, so we’re considering raising a small round next month, mostly for investors we already know well.

If you’d like a more detailed update, I’m available at [Time A], [Time B] or feel free to book a time here [Auto calendar booking link].

Look forward to chatting.

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[Signature with link to homepage, recent news, and other assets]